Friday, July 22, 2016

Rolando Tellez

My Great Discovery, Rolando Tellez Meteorite
Rolando E. Tellez, graduated from UNAN in Nicaragua. He took some translation courses at UCA university and the Olof Palme Convention Center in the 80s. He was a Fulbright Student and earned a Master´s Degree in Speech Communication at Southern Illinois University in 1992, completing his internship in journalism in the US. Later, he attended other courses and webinars in translation and interpretation.

Work Experience

Freelancer for more than 400 different law firms, companies, and international agencies. Also, he taught his book `English for Lawyers´ at UAM university, and Literature and Translation courses at UNAN university, tutoring other foreigners to become translators. 

His international bilingual publications are: History of Nicaragua, Dario´s Popular Poems, Great Hero: A. C. Sandino, Nicaraguan Political Constitution, The Güegüense, English for Lawyers, Inglés Básico, Bilingual Legal Terminology Dictionary, The Interoceanic Canal Law (Law 800), Nicaraguan Slang Diccionario, Bilingual Dictionary of Accounting and Auditing, History of Granada, Spanish for Beginners, The Princess and the Star, Ruben Dario & Centenary of his Death, Tico-Nica Tales, Bilingual Legal Dictionary, Nicaraguan Sandinista Revolution, etc.

Contributor to digital magazines and newspaper, etc.

He appreciates the feedback from his readers. Feel free to contact Rolando.

Phone (505)2289-4596  & 8867-4182